Here is a recent portrait taken by the talented Mr. Steve Zambrano of our recently departed pal. He brought it - and another he had shot of her with her daughter, MacKenna - to the fairwell party said daughter and the Devine M's best friend Peggy arranged at Zuma Beach on - appropriately - Earth Day, April 22nd. Hearing all the great stories and parting words from a host of those who knew her so much better than I, was wonderful. It was a somber day, but the lovely lavendar festooned dias and 57 - count them - 57 lavender baloons framing it made for a festive feel in spite of a chilling and unremitant wind. The balloons were in celebration of the almost 57 years she was with us - April 22nd being her 57th birthday. Two very talented sculptors, whose names I didn't get - damn it - had been out on the chill beach since 6am building a sand replica of our lady of the Green Door. If any of you have pictures from the occasion - especially of that sculpture - please email them to me. Several folks there said they would send pictures, but I've not received any as yet, and I just couldn't let another day go by without posting this small tribute to that so much larger than life personality - our beloved Ms. Chambers. Bon Voyage, Marilyn.