Saturday, August 25, 2012

I despaired of seeing a really good movie ever again. 
Then came Hope Springs.

Granted, I would pay good money to see Meryl Streep or Tommy Lee Jones read a phone book, but here they have a damn good script, great surrounding cast and location, and master director David Frankel (The Devil Wore Prada) to aid and abet.
Things are looking up.
Must mention Steve Carrell, who held the helm as the shrink that pulled it and them together.


it may make you want to have sex again.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012



My fingers are getting as unreliable as my eyes.

It's Charles Shea LeMone.

Sorry C Shea.

Monday, August 13, 2012


It's HOT in LA

Hey, June and July were gorgeous. We're due. 

Speaking of hot .... Charles Shea LeMone has a new book out.

The Spring of Unexpected Consequences. Now available at Amazon.

I met Shea through Jim Morris, my lunch buddy who wrote Above and Beyond War War Story 
(and the acclaimed Dumbo Drop

Jim is a master story-teller with a quirky slant on things. He makes you think whilst he's entertaining you.

Yeah, I love a good blood, guts,  gore, 'n' glory combat story. A totally foreign world to me. But his new book, "Telequah" is a stunning departure.

Here is another new-to-me world: today's Native Americans. Specifically the eponymous tribe involved in this gripping adventure.

So anyway, Jim gave me a copy of  "A Dance In The Streets,"and I got hooked on LeMone. Be careful. He's is addicting. 

I think Corner Pride may be my favorite, though. Here is a rare snap of Shea as the teen whose coming of age struggles in a black neighborhood of Philadelphia are it's grist.

Another friend who continually astounds me: the very talented painter, Denise LaFrance. 

Her stuff is gonna be worth big bucks one day. I need more walls.

It's now time to run cold water over my wrists and temples and have a nice lie down. DAMN, IT'S HOT.