Saturday, February 26, 2011

In our copius spare time...

John says:

"So what do you think? Should Charlie Sheen and Michael Richards do a bus-and-truck of The Odd Couple?" 

"Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton could play the cuckoo Pigeon sisters," I enthuse.

(Pictures are from gathering of former employees of the LA County Medical
Association Communications Department
last year at Howard Bender's estate. Conversation from last night.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Meet Miss Puss

She came.

She saw. 

She took possession of the couch and our hearts.

We're still not sure what her real name is. As T.S. Elliot said, "...a cat needs a name that's particular,
A name that's peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his (her) tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his (her) whiskers, or cherish his (her) pride?"
So we use Miss Puss until we learn her "ineffable effable
Effanineffable, Deep and inscrutable singular Name."
For now, it's just Miss Puss. A HAH, I hear you say. So Georgina FINALLY consented to put her pussy up on the web!

 My reporter friend, Kevin Modesti, whom I met when he was covering Marilyn Chamber's Bon Voyage party at
Pismo Beach last year, (if you didn't know, Marilyn died April 12th, 2009)

Yeah, so anyway - John and I got chatting with Kevin and we have since become lunch buddies. 

He brought his new pal, Randy Farhi 
along to the last such meeting. What a bright, charming lady. Her brother, Paul Farhi, is a reporter with The Washington Post and is a frequent guest on the political shows on MSNBC and such. Sorry, I can't resist dropping a name when it's such a significant one. 

Kevin and I exchange books. I read something I think he
might like, I pass it along to him. He does the same for me. Now we've got Randy in the loop. 
Poor dear. I just laid the first of Neal Stephenson's marathon Baroque Cycle (a not-so-brief history of commerce and communication) upon her. It's called Quicksilver and it's quite addictive. I'm sure I shall rot in hell for leading her down this path.

So, now I have two "new" eyes.
Here's me with just the first one done and the second still under wraps. 

New kitty is not impressed.

A shout out to Doctor Robert Feinfield, my surgeon - who just happens to produce music in his spare time for a good cause.

My dentist is a sculptor. I expect my GP to hand me a movie script any day now. Gawd, I love living in El Lay.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Even though the few moments I got to share with John on camera are not included in this tribute - I spent a long time savoring these images. I gather the score is John signing and playing one of his own compositions.

John was an accomplished Blues musician and produced a well reviewed CD called In The Kitchen. His CD may be still be purchased for $20 from his estate. Checks or money orders should be sent to:

John Leslie Blues Band c/o
Kathleen Nuzzo P.M.B. 103 38
Miller Ave. Mill Valley, CA 94941

What a guy!