Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Albert and Marilyn

Since posting the notice that Mr. Welsh - who is now growing an appropriate mustache - is hard at work on learning this play, Norma Jean and Johnny, lebenteen e-pals have sent this image. Thought I'd share it.

You have to get back a ways to "see" the Marilyn image.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Norma Jean and Johnny

March 17, 2010
Happy Saint Paddy's Day.
How many "Kiss me, I'm Irish" tee shirts did YOU see today? How many Irishmen did you kiss? Me? Just the one I live with. Of course, he's half Italian, so we celebrate Columbus Day, too.

Here is himself, my Irish/Eyetalian studmuffin, when he was helping me haul books to and from the West Hollywood book fair last year.

For those who might not already know it, John is an actor.

Our friend Kevin Modesti, whom John and I met at Marilyn Chambers rememberance party on the beach last year, caught me here - in the darkened theater on his cell phone! I can't get used to people having cameras in their phones! I can't get used to people having phones on their person at all times. I'm barely used to push-buttons. As you can see, I'm having a really good time.

Kevin had joined me at the first staged reading of a wonderful new play by Richard Setlowe titled (for the nonce)

"Norma Jean and Johnny:" It is a look at what a meeting (tryst?) that may (or may not) have actually occurred between Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein might (or might not) have been like. My dearest farbetterhalf, John, portrayed Albert. Marilyn was played by Sara Wells. It was, in theatrical parlance, a HOOT.

That's all the news for now - well, except that my freesias are blooming their little heads off and the calla lilies are poking their heads up. Have I mentioned how much I love living in Southern California?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

10Q 1&all 4 Hippie Birdie e-cards etc.

My birthday dinner last Sunday evening at Soliel in Westwood was the best food I've ever encountered that didn't come out of my hubby, John's, kitchen - and that's the TRUTH. Thanks again, Ren and Caren.
And thank you, Cindi, for telling all your readers when my birthday was. I think I got an email from every one of them. My laptop is still smoking.

Also got an email from David Nahmod 

- my reporter pal in San Francisco (writes for ON Mag in San Jose, Jerusalem Post, Videoscope Mag). He sent a review he did of one of the films of our recently departed pal, Jamie Gillis.

"One look at this film & you'll see how great an actor Jamie Gillis was. In Through the Looking Glass (1976) a beautiful heiress named Catherine spends much of her time admiring herself in an antique mirror. When she's drawn through the looking glass, she finds herself trapped in a bizzare, X rated variation of Alice in Wonderland, where her late Father (Gillis) awaits her.
    It's all a set up. Dad is really a demon, slowly pulling Catherine into a demonic netherworld where she will spend eternity for the sin of vanity.   
    The film is genuinely terrifying. Gillis, as the demonic dad, is superbly chilling. His facial expressions harken back to the glory days of Boris Karloff & Bela Lugosi~~he's nothing less than hypnotic!
    When he's first seen in the mirror, with green tinted skin, it's as good as anything you might see in a mainstream horror film.
     And Looking Glass is, first and foremost, a horror film. A ghost story, a tale of demons from the other side, and Alice in Wonderland reimagined.

On a brighter note:

Louise Bak has done a really lovely interview with me. See it here at Toro
Thanks Lousie.

And a not so cheery note - but one we need to hear: If you love Kurt Vonnegut as much as I, you'll love the way he sums it up here.