Monday, November 30, 2009

The Lady Writer - Hard at Work

Here's me. Hard at work. Really.
Yes, I'm finally getting back in the groove after a long bout of Writer's block.

And it's all because of Cindi Loftus.
I wish I could get her to send me a picture of herself. I guess she's shy. I wanted everyone to see the paragon who made me finished my book and who's been responsible for more sales of it than anyone.

Anyway - I'll not wait longer to post this bit of news.
She's got me doing a column. Sort of.
First installment can be found at
I hope to get some pithy comments - on the site and/or by email. All questions will be answered, even if it's with a heartfelt "I donno."
Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm working on book two, Goin' Down in Flames. Not going to make my Christmas deadline, but then, I missed my deadline on The Devil Made Me Do It by two years. Gimme a break. I'm retired. I was tired when I left the skin trade in '79. Now I'm retired. But still having fun.
Oh, BTW, everyone keeps asking me how I keep in such good shape at my age - which I'm proud to reveal is 73. Here's a video of the workout regimen I follow. It really works.