Friday, October 30, 2009

Oh HORRORS - Where will it end?

If you're into sex film history, tune in to Jackalope 105 FM for a Halloween treat.

42nd Street Pete called me and we chatted for hours. One hour's worth of our remicences will air Saturday, October 31st at 7pm PDT and will repeat Monday, November 2nd - same time. Here's the link to his site for more info and where you can click and listen from any computer that has even the most primitive sound card - like mine.

In other news, two of the contributors to David Sterry's HIGHLY ACCLAIMED (even made the cover of the New York freakin Times Book Review by gosh) anthology, Hos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys, have a forum called Three Naked Ladies where sex workers and other interested parties exchange histories and opinions. Yours truly joins the conversation on November 4 at and

In spite of having made nearly a hundred hard-core sex films, I knew zilch about the real world of sex-for-money - until I read this book - and then got to meet some of the other contributors at the readings we did here in LA. These ladies ROCK.

Flash for the CIA: Want to get information out of a suspected terrorist? Forget water boarding, snarly mastiffs, or other primitive torture. Tie 'em up in a US Airways coach seat and make 'em sit there until they talk. It won't take long. I've ALMOST recovered from my flights to and from San Francisco last month. Another week of physical therapy should do it. Can't sit too long at the computer yet, though, so, for now, th-th-th-th---that's all folks.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Vibes gets Gooder

Ahhhhhhh good old Good Vibes
How I love that store - and the great folks who keep the flame there.
They hosted me for another sign and schmooze session Sept. 16th

There I met David Sternberg who just sent me these pictures. Email

Here's me with Aunt Peg (Juliet Anderson).

She gave me a copy of her dvd, Ageless Desire. It is a beautiful tribute to the undying fascination of - as dear Dr. Ruth would phrase it - GOOD SEX.

And I met Ruby Violence,

And Liz Earls - she's the tall one. Meeting her for lunch this coming Friday.

Carol Queen is a most gracious hostess. We had a great Italian dinner between bookstore and theater gigs.

Howie and Jeremy Gordon put me up for the night and - bless him - Howie ferried me to and from the airport. What a guy.

I've been remiss (again) in filing this report as the US Airways flights left me with so much back pain, I just haven't been able to sit at the computer since I got home. Thank GAWD for the gym. I'm ambulatory again, anyway.