Friday, May 29, 2009


Just learned that the link to cinema retro in last post was incorrect;
This one WILL take you there. An interesting site to explore and a very nice interview that Graham Hill did with and for me.!.html

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Interview

Graham Hill took this snapshot of me after our lunch date at the Beachwood Cafe. Of course, I didn't have my camera along to get a shot of him, but, trust me, he's a darling man - a bit reminiscent of our beloved Benny Hill, but calmer. Who's Graham Hill?
Well, he is someone who has always loved HOLLYWOOD, it's history and it's movies. Having moved to the United States from England, just to work in HOLLYWOOD. He tracked down all the locations and movie sets he had grown up with. And in doing so, became a HOLLYWOOD historian.
He's nowhere near as famous as a Leonard Maltin, but he has written numerous articles for magazines including CINEMA RETRO, for the British and American Film Institutes and many others. Has given tours and lectured on studio history and even produced documentaries such as MATINEE RANCH and HOLLYWOOD ON PARADE.

Graham maintains a huge research library of books and DVD's on HOLLYWOOD and all it's classic movies and TV shows. He feels honored that he has met so many stars, directors, writers, stuntmen etc., people who's names he always remembered from childhood...

Imagine my delight when he contacted me and asked if he could interview me! He and his lovely wife, Gina, met John and me for lunch one day and we've been pals since. He has gifted us with many dvd's of amazing collections of Hollywood "bests."

Here's a link to the interview.!.html#extended

I feel like I have no right to be so pleased with my life on this Memorial Day when so many who made the supreme sacrifice are being duly honored. But I can't help it. I am so fortunate - and so grateful.