Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Denise creation

Hi Chele,
I found another great pic of you online and souped it up with some pink fog and ornate hearts...The Dancing Queen of Hearts

Ah me. So I got out the tape measure. Yes, the circumference is the same at 73 years of age - but it's all a LOT LOWER.

So I asked the talented Denise...

I asked my friend, the very talented artist, Denise LaFrance, where she found that image of my foot. Her answer:

I was on this photosite and saw a pic of a lady in a bath tub and I then thought of how her there in the tub reminded me of you in the then I went on youtube and searched for a clip from your film.
I found the movie then I saw that scene with you and your lovely and cute foot turning the taps on with your foot ( as you'd mentioned you always do^^)--so I then pushed PAUSE and got my camera and snapped a picture of the still/paused shot.
THEN I brightened up the colors, imported the picture to my photobucket account where I could then add the steamy effect on the edge and put a frame which I chose in pink...for that 'bathroomy' feel...and then added some glitter & blinking graphics to create an homage to you, your film and your lovely famous foot!^^.
The blinking image I shall attatch here--it's another type of file and I was not sure if or if not you'd be able to open such a file//but I can at least try and so I send it to you here have to click here:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blast from the Past

I can't believe Denise LaFrance - amazing artist and dear pal - found this!
Yes, it's authentic. I'd know that bunion anywhere.
For those of you under 60 - this is a frame from the porn film, The Devil in Miss Jones.
OK, all you foot fetishists - let me her from you!
email me at

And click on Denise link above to see more about her.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Skylight Book Store, Los Angeles

On Vermont Boulevard, just south of Griffith Park, sits a bulwark of free thought and creativity called Skylight Book Store. It is the pulsing heartbeat of a great L.A. neighborhood; a vital organ of the community - and by gosh, the community knows it.

I met the owner, Kerry Slattery, last fall when I attended a gala opening of the store's spiffy new annex. Screwing up my courage, I pressed a copy of my book into her hands and introduced myself. Recognition lit her eyes and she graciously thanked me for the book, and said I could email her and ask for an event date!

I decided to throw myself a birthday party for my 73rd birthday on March 1st. That was cool with her.

The big event:
A goodly crowd gathered.

These were, as promised, cakes and ale..

The manager, Steven Salardino, and lovely sidekick, Kelly were amazing. They completely rearranged the interior of the store; setting up
chairs, table for "cakes and ale" (ok - Victor Bene's Bakery cookies - but they're boss
cookies), arranging a chair and table for book signing, and a chair for my pal Libbie Jo Snyder to entertain us with her fantabuous jazz/classical flute selections --- all within a half hour! My jaw was on the floor.

Once the crowd gathered, had their cakes and ale in hand, and found places to sit, Kelly said it was time to start and introduced me.

But I didn't want to start the reading until my 85-year-old buddy, Joyce arrived.

She has been my sounding board and booster from the start of my literary life.

I met her in the 70s when she was "the orchestra" for husband John's, improve group, War Babies.

As soon as she was settled comfortably, I launched into one of my favorite chapters, The Journey of the Dorabelladonna. That's the one that chronicles my trip from Maine to California in a 30-foot-long derelict school bus with a smokestack sticking out the back.

Then I signed books.

And book marks.

And posters.

And DVDs.

And really old pictures.

Then I just schmoozed with old friends and new.

Husband John took the pictures seen here.

All you guys who were taking pictures and said you'd email me copies...???

I haven't received any yet! Remember - the email address is