Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Pegleg Memories

Pegleg's sister, Leila, just sent me these two pictures of him from an earlier time. What a FOX. Please forgive me, Gene, for posting these, but I just can't help myself. I hope you don't mind. I also hope any old pals of yours who stumble across this spot where my brain-droppings land will get in touch so we can swap Pegleg stories.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And Another One Bites The Dust - Dammit

Oh, Pegleg, my PAL - Capt'n Flicks - master of the video-capture, edit, and post - Road Warrior emeritus - sage, wit - true friend to those who earned and deserved it, fierce opponent of injustice wherever you met it; you brought so much joy and enlightenment to my life. Whatever shall I do without you? There was not a subject upon which you could not offer insight. And nothing was so awful you could not find some humor in it - even your own dreadful battle with the so-called medical care system. I guess you just got tired of messing with it. I can understand that. But, oh, I shall miss you so much.

Gene Hansen, known on the web as Capt'n Flix, was known to me, and a host of his pals, as Pegleg. He chose this nickname because of his injured leg that caused him constant pain. I met him on MySpace. He collected the "G-rated" clips of my flims and put together a YouTube page for me. He also compiled them into a CD and created the packaging for it which you see in this - the most current photo of him that I have.
He asked to read my manuscript before it was a book. He like it so much, I asked him to write a short "review" for the "pitch page." He did, and I'm very proud to have it there. If you haven't seen it, you can in the book's preview - go to page 3.

I know he's now tearing down the open highways of the next coil.
And I'm sure that he and another biker buddy of mine, Mike Cirigliano, who made the leap last June 11th, have or will meet up and discover they have a mutual friend in Georgina.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big Thrill - Interview for the CBC

Big Thrill
Last Saturday (11/8) I met the amazing Raymond Saint-Pierre, a noted war correspondent who, with his cameraman, Sylvain Cordanguay, was in a tank that was blown up in Iraq a year or so ago. The CBC sent them to ask me how technology had changed the porn world - like I, who have trouble using a cell phone, would know. We spent the morning talking about just about everything else. I'll let you know as soon as they let me know when and where the interview can be seen. They said it would be near the end of this month. Be still my heart. What makes Frenchmen so sexy? Is it the accent?
That's me, getting the
garden looking good for
my honored guests.

Book Orders from Afar
Good grief. The Internet constantly amazes me. Requests for signed books are coming in from Europe, Australia, and even (just yesterday) from Brazil!
I know there have been many different "procedures" tried at Lulu to facilitate these requests and I apologize for the confusion. If you want a signed book, email me at The book costs $18.50. I'll let you know the shipping costs depending upon where it's going.

Book Readings
If you have a favorite book store that might be interested in having Georgina Spelvin in the flesh read passages from The Devi Made Me Do It - her spicy, pithy, memoir - please let me know how to contact them.