Monday, May 12, 2008


The Devil Made Me Do It - my memoir - is finally available to the public.
The BOOKS button on my home page will take you to the Lulu "store" where you can preview it by clicking on the book title.
I'm gonna take a nap now.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Devil Made Me Do It

Writing a book was the easy part. Yeah, it took me five years. I wanted to get it right, OK?

But then came the hard part - getting it into print and available to them as might be interested. Every traditional (and a few untraditional) publishers who were interested in publishing it wanted it their way. I wanted it mine. So I decided to publish it myself.

There are a slew of outfits out there who all tell you how "simple and economical" such an endeavor is. It isn't. At least it has not been so for me. I'm dealing with, whose pitch was the most attractive of the lot. Well, it's a little like trying to get that very important proposal copied for your boss (who wants it yesterday) when they just put a brand new copy machine in and the manual is written in Sanskrit. Trial and error - expensive as it is - seems to be the only way to accomplish your task.

I do seem to be on about the last page of the process, however. I've not wanted to fill this space with constant hints that the thing would be coming out any day - until I had some idea of when that "any day" might get here. I think I can safely say that there will be a book for sale at my Lulu "store" by the end of next week - or sooner, God willin' and the creek don't rise.

I just managed to published a small, very funny book of drawings. It's now available for preview and purchase. This was both my "trial" project - to figure out what to do with a smaller amount of material to manage - and a book that is very dear to my heart. A click here or on the BOOKS button on my website will take you to the "store" and you can have a peek at the content by clicking on the book title, "Who ARE These People?" It's not a sex book. But, hey, you can't wallow in erotica all the time. Or can you? Well, that's your business. All proceeds from its sale go to the widow of the artist.

Thanks for hanging in there with me through this looooooooong and tedious endeavor.
